岳飞 《满江红·怒发冲冠》
怒髮 冠を衝き,欄に憑る 處、瀟瀟たる 雨 歇む。望眼を 抬あげ、天を仰ぎ 長へに嘯く,壯懷 激烈。
三十の功名 塵 與(と)土,八千里路 雲 和(と)月。
等閒にする 莫れ、白く了(なりおおせ)たる 少年の頭,空しく 悲切。
靖康の 耻,猶ほ未だ雪(すす)がず。臣子の 憾(うらみ),何時か 滅せん。
長車に駕し,賀蘭山を 踏破して 缺(こぼ)たん。壯き志あるもの 饑しとき 餐すは 胡虜の肉,
笑ひ談じて 渇きしとき 飮むは 匈奴の血。頭(はじめ) 從(よ)り、
舊(もと)の山河を 收拾せるを 待ちて,天闕に 朝せん。
英文版:(许渊冲 英译 1986)
Tune: The River All Red
Wrath sets on end my hair,
I lean on railings where
I see the drizzling rain has ceased.
Raising my eyes
Towards the skies,
I heave long sighs,
My wrath not yet appeased.
To dust is gone the fame achieved at thirty years;
Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile land disappears.
Should youthful heads in vain turn grey,
We would regret for aye.
Lost our capitals,
What a burning shame!
How can we generals
Quench our vengeful flame!
Driving our chariots of war, we’d go
To break through our relentless foe.
Valiantly we’d cut off each head;
Laughing, we’d drink the blood they shed.
When we’ve reconquered our lost land,
In triumph would return our army grand.