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How to motivate children to succeed 如何激励孩子走向成功

张同冰 (译)

【导读】作为家长,鼓励孩子学习和激发求知欲对他们的成长重要。但哪种激励方式更好?听 “随身英语” 介绍几种激发孩子学习兴趣的方式。

词汇:learning 学习

Children are naturally curious, inquisitive beings, but getting them to study something they aren’t interested in can be a difficult task. Teachers and parents often find themselves resorting to rewards in the form of stars, promises of high grades and wonderful careers, or threats of punishment. But what if rewards and threats aren’t the answer?

Natural curiosity is sometimes referred to as ‘intrinsic motivation’. Studies have found that children who see learning as fun and important are better at it. And it’s easy to understand why – it’s difficult to study something we aren’t engaged with, and if we’re passionate about the info we’re digesting, it feels more fulfilling.

Extrinsic motivation, things like rewards and punishment, does have its uses too. Praise and stimulation based on achieving good grades or fear of reprisal has been acknowledged to motivate older students. However, it seems that at an early age, it doesn’t have as much effect. So, if it’s the case that natural curiosity is motivation for better learning, how can we stimulate that interest?

According to some experts, the key is to allow some degree of autonomy and freedom. Let the child see their learning as their free will. If you want to teach a child to read, let them choose which book they use. Whether it’s a graphic novel, TV guide or classic literature – the aim of stimulating their appetite for reading is still met. Likewise, build a relationship with them as learners – listen to their negative feelings. Explain why an activity is valuable, even if it isn’t exactly fun.

So it seems that the key to motivating children, especially the young ones, might come from stimulating that intrinsic motivation. Maybe it’s time to unleash them from the reigns of threats and rewards, and give them a bit more choice of how they learn.

【参考译文】孩子们天生好奇,好奇,但是让他们学习一些他们不感兴趣的东西可能是一项困难的任务。老师和家长们经常发现他们要求的奖励形式是明星,高分和美好事业的承诺,或者是惩罚的威胁。但是如果回报和威胁不是答案呢? 天生的好奇心有时被称为“内在动机”。研究发现,那些认为学习是有趣和重要的孩子更擅长学习。很容易理解为什么,我们很难研究我们没有参与的东西,如果我们对我们正在消化的信息充满热情,就会感觉更有成就感。外在动机,比如奖励和惩罚,也有它的用处。以取得好成绩或害怕报复为基础的表扬和刺激已经被认为能够激励年长的学生。然而,似乎在幼年时期,它并没有那么大的影响。那么,如果自然的好奇心是更好学习的动机,我们如何才能激发这种兴趣呢?根据一些专家的说法,关键是允许一定程度的自主和自由。让孩子把学习看成是他们的自由意志。如果你想教一个孩子阅读,让他们选择他们用的书。无论是漫画小说、电视指南还是经典文学,刺激他们阅读欲望的目标仍然能够实现。同样,作为学习者,与他们建立关系 -- 倾听他们的消极情绪。解释为什么一项活动是有价值的,即使它不是很有趣。所以看起来,激励孩子们,尤其是年轻孩子的关键,可能来自于激发他们的内在动机。也许是时候把他们从威胁和奖励的统治中解放出来,给他们更多的学习选择。

(英文材料选自BBC 英语教学)


curious 好奇的
inquisitive 好问的,求知欲强的
task 任务
resort to 采用,诉诸于
intrinsic 内在的,固有的
info 信息
digest 吸收,理解(信息)
fulfilling 让人感到满足、有意义的
extrinsic 外部的,外在的
praise 表扬,赞美
reprisal 报复,惩罚
degree 程度
autonomy 自主
free will 自愿
appetite 欲望,渴求
unleash 释放,解除束缚


2021-09-15 北京朝阳





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