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来源:唯美的句子 发布时间:2024-07-28 23:43:14 点击:59次
笔墨网 > 优美的句子 > 唯美的句子 > > 英语爱情格言(英语爱情名人名言)

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, China’s archetypal tragic romantic couple, the Romeo and Juliet of the Middle Kingdom. Their tale is one of the great folktales of the nation, especially well known in the south China.


Yingtai is the daughter of a wealthy merchant, allowed an educated upbringing. She begs her father to send her to school and, like a scholarly Mulan, disguises herself as a boy to sneak into this patriarchal world undetected.


On the trip there she meets classmate Liang Shanbo, the two gradually becoming close friends during their studies. Shanbo (despite sleeping in the same bed as Yingtai) never apparently realizes Yingtai is a woman, despite several heavy hints from her once she realizes she has fallen in love with him.


Things become urgent when Yingtai’s father orders her to return home, so she tells Shanbo that he must visit her family courtyard and marry Yingtai’s “sister.” Once Shanbo is finally made aware of his best friend’s true identity, the two pledge their love to each other.

当英台的父亲命令她回家时,事情变得很紧急,所以她告诉山伯,他必须去她家的院子里,和英台的 "妹妹 "结婚。当山伯终于知道了他好的朋友的真实身份后,两人互相承诺他们的爱情。

But Yingtai is forced by her parents to marry a wealthy merchant. Filled with grief, Shanbo dies alone in his position of a poor official. Yingtai orders her wedding procession to visit his grave so she can pay her respects. Suddenly overcome with grief, she prays to be able to join him. Shanbo’s grave opens with a crack of thunder, and she flings herself inside. She and Shanbo are then transformed into two butterflies, now forever able to stay together.


The story has been doing the rounds amongst Chinese audiences since at least 700 A.D., when the first written mention of it is documented. The lovers’ metamorphosis after death was added during the Ming dynasty. By the turn of the 20th century the story was well-known.This story has been hailed as a classic of love. From ancient times to the present, countless people have been infected by the poignant love of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai






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