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来源:经典句子 发布时间:2024-08-11 11:56:56 点击:59次
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You wake up in the morning, feeling groggy and disoriented.清晨初醒,你只觉昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂You look at yourself in the mirror, fearful to look him straight in the eye.对着镜中的他,你已不敢直视那双眼You back zero tolerance on boredness, stuffing every vacant moment with talks, malls and laptops!你对无聊的零容忍,让你的生活被塞满:闲聊,购物,笔记本You are silent in their eyes, yet the noisiest in yours, for that inner voice you can bearly hear.他们眼中安静的你,在你心中却嘈杂不堪,只因心声早已杳不可闻You hang on the rim of the wheel of fortune, going up and down, tasting highs and lows.你攀上命运之轮的边缘,从此生活跌宕起伏,阴晴不定Life goes on but it is out of control!胆活依然继续,却已脱离掌控Not so soon, nor too late光阴不长不短You open your eyes, stretching your muscles and seeing the whole world beckons to you.你睁开双眼,舒展筋骨,世界已然向你呼唤You cheat him no more, smile to him , stare at him, knowing he is with you clear up to the end.不再欺骗镜中的他,朝他微笑,死死盯着他,你明白他将伴你走过一生的旅程You celebrate every moment, busy or free; strive not to become a human-doing, be and consider like a human-being!不论闲暇忙碌,珍惜每个当下。你不再被生活俘虏忙个不停,思考并实现人之为人You talk gently, speak forcefully, and argue eloquently, because a mind in peace functions with effortless ease.你言辞温婉,演说铿锵,雄辩滔滔,一切运行自如,却宁静而无为You break free, make it to the hub, center your life on the bliss. Let it go! Let it flow!你挣脱轮缘,爬上轮轴中心,专注万物的美好。放开拳头!让幸福在掌心流动!Life still is, but you got a big role!生活依旧如是,你不作主,孰作主!


Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...Recently the problem has been brought into focus.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

  Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ...

  Nowadays there is a growing concern over ...

  From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

  It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...

  It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...


You wake up in the morning, feeling groggy and disoriented.清晨初醒,你只觉昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂You look at yourself in the mirror, fearful to look him straight in the eye.对着镜中的他,你已不敢直视那双眼You back zero tolerance on boredness, stuffing every vacant moment with talks, malls and laptops!你对无聊的零容忍,让你的生活被塞满:闲聊,购物,笔记本You are silent in their eyes, yet the noisiest in yours, for that inner voice you can bearly hear.他们眼中安静的你,在你心中却嘈杂不堪,只因心声早已杳不可闻You hang on the rim of the wheel of fortune, going up and down, tasting highs and lows.你攀上命运之轮的边缘,从此生活跌宕起伏,阴晴不定Life goes on but it is out of control!胆活依然继续,却已脱离掌控Not so soon, nor too late光阴不长不短You open your eyes, stretching your muscles and seeing the whole world beckons to you.你睁开双眼,舒展筋骨,世界已然向你呼唤You cheat him no more, smile to him , stare at him, knowing he is with you clear up to the end.不再欺骗镜中的他,朝他微笑,死死盯着他,你明白他将伴你走过一生的旅程You celebrate every moment, busy or free; strive not to become a human-doing, be and consider like a human-being!不论闲暇忙碌,珍惜每个当下。你不再被生活俘虏忙个不停,思考并实现人之为人You talk gently, speak forcefully, and argue eloquently, because a mind in peace functions with effortless ease.你言辞温婉,演说铿锵,雄辩滔滔,一切运行自如,却宁静而无为You break free, make it to the hub, center your life on the bliss. Let it go! Let it flow!你挣脱轮缘,爬上轮轴中心,专注万物的美好。放开拳头!让幸福在掌心流动!Life still is, but you got a big role!生活依旧如是,你不作主,孰作主!



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